
Real snowflake at high magnification: macro photo of large stellar dendrite snow crystal with complex elegant shape, fine hexagonal symmetry, six long, ornate arms with side branches and glossy relief surface. Snowflake glittering on smooth blue gradient background.
Snowflake photo: Hyperion

Prints available at Artist website (mirrors at Pixels and FineArtAmerica), RedBubble.com, Society6.com.
Licenses for commercial use - at Shutterstock.com.

I captured this snowflake one year ago, in late November 2016, and think it's one of my best shots from past winter. This is very large stellar dendrite, around 6 or 7 millimeters from tip to tip - almost as large as fernlike dendrites, and it have very good symmetry for such large size and complex structure. I like light, which clearly shows relief details of this crystal, and it's transparency at same time. In my opinion, the most interesting detail is center: while snowflake have strict hexagonal symmetry with equal distance and angles between arms, central pattern look similar to triangular snow crystals. Overall, this snowflake is one of my all-time favorites, and i spent lots of time and effort on it's processing. Hope you like it!

14 identical RAW photos, taken as high-speed series, was aligned and averaged to improve signal / noise ratio of this picture. I used glass background with LED back lighting and simple macro setup, containing Canon Powershot A650is with external lens Helios 44, reversely mounted in front of built-in camera optics.

Hyperion is:
Titan from Greek mythology;
Moon of Saturn;
• Tallest known tree on Earth;
• A planet in amazing book series Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons.

Here is dark variant - inverted with some additional post-processing:

Image of real snowflake: macro photo of big stellar dendrite snow crystal with complex ornate shape, fine hexagonal structure, six elegant arms with many side branches and relief surface. Snowflake glowing on dark blue - green gradient background
Snowflake photo: Hyperion dark

Prints available at Artist website (mirrors at Pixels and FineArtAmerica), RedBubble.com, Society6.com.
Licenses for commercial use - at Shutterstock.com.

This snowflake remind me another one, with shorter arms and larger center - Gardener's dream:

Snowflake at high magnification: Gardener's dream, large stellar dendrite snow crystal with elegant, ornate arms and big central hexagon, divided by six sectors

And here is another snowflake from November 2016 - The shard:

Picture of snowflake: real snow crystal with unusual shape, simple narrow arms and big hexagonal center, formed by six large sections with complex inner pattern

If you want to see more snowflakes, you can browse through all snowflake pictures.
Here you'll find snowflake photo wallpapers in numerous resolutions and screen proportions, up to Ultra HD 4K.
And here is article about snowflake macro photography.