Snowflake draft #3

Here is two snowflakes, quickly processed for Snowflake draft series. Both photos was taken March 19, 2013 - quite late for serious snowflake photography, but that day was cold, and i have nice catch of interesting snow crystals without visible melting:

Snowflake macro photo: cluster of three stellar dendrite snow crystals with long and sharp arms, glittering on dark grey textured background
Snowflake photo: Draft_3-1

Prints of this spiky cluster available at: Artist website (mirrors at Pixels and FineArtAmerica),
Licenses for commercial use - at,

I like this cluster of three stellar dendrites with thin and sharp arms, resembling blades. However, it was hard to process: that cluster was captured from non-ideal angle, so it slightly out of focus at top and bottom edges. Also, it lays high over background, touching single wool fibers in one or two points - this visually separates snow crystal from surrounding background and looks nice, but this unstable construction shifts and rotates from every light blow of the wind. I've spent lots of time, until achieved good alignment of all 8 source shots for averaging process.

Here you'll find similar flat cluster with three snowflakes, captured on glass with LED back lighting:

Snowflake photo: Three-in-one - cluster of big stellar dendrite and two simple snow crystals, sparkling on bright blue-gray gradient background

This single stellar dendrite crystal have big central hexagon with beautiful inner structure, though it's six arms is not perfectly symmetrical, if we look closely at their side branches:

Snowflake macro photo: large stellar dendrite snow crystal with big central hexagon and ornate arms, glowing on dark grey background
Snowflake photo: Draft_3-2

Prints available at: Artist website (mirrors at Pixels and FineArtAmerica),
Licenses for commercial use - at,

That day i also captured another snowflake, and made full post-processing:

Real snowflake macro photo: stellar dendrite snow crystal with asymmetrical central hexagon and beautiful inner pattern, glittering on dark woolen background

Here is next pack of draft snowflakes - catch of February 13, 2017:

Snowflake macro photos: four real snow crystals of stellar dendrite type, glittering on bright colorful backgrounds - Alexey Kljatov

If you want to see more snowflakes, you can browse through all snowflake pictures.
Here you'll find snowflake photo wallpapers in numerous resolutions and screen proportions, up to Ultra HD 4K.
And here is article about snowflake macro photography.