Domingo conducts barihunks on Don Giovanni's 230th Anniversary

Jiří Brückler, Simone Alberghini & Adrian Sampetrean
Placido Domingo viewed the original 1787 score of Mozart’s Don Giovanni in Prague and then proceeded to conduct the opera at the very theater at which Mozart conducted the world premiere of his famous work. The performance on October 27th occurred exactly 230 years from the original performance. He will conduct one more performance on October 29th.

The original score is on loan from the Prague Conservatory and be on display at the Estates Theatre until Sunday, October 29th. 

Placido Domingo with the original score of Don Giovanni
The title role of Don Giovanni will be performed by Italian baritone Simone Alberghini, who hails from Pesaro, the same city as the Prague-based Italian operatic baritone Luigi Bassi who premiered the role. The opera was written with Bassi in mind, who did not like his aria "Finch'han dal vino," and asked Mozart to write another number where he could show off his vocal talents. Mozart wrote the duet with Zerlina "Là ci darem la mano" for Bassi, who is said to have forced five re-writes until he was satisfied.

In addition to Alberghini, the cast includes Adrian Sampetrean as Leporello, Jiří Brückler as Masetto, Jan Šťáva as the Commendatore, Irina Lungu as Donna Anna, Kateřina Kněžíková as Donna Elvira, Julia Novikova as Zerlina and Dmitry Korchak as Don Ottavio.

The performances will also be filmed by Czech Television, with a documentary film of the project also in production.  

Derek Chester and Marco Vassalli
Our 2018 Barihunks Calendar, which includes 20 of opera's sexiest men is now available for purchase HERE. In response to reader demand, we've also added a Barihunks Photo Book this year, which includes additional photos that don't appear in the calendar. You can purchase that HERE. The New Year is approaching faster than you think!