Rainbow flower

Snowflake macro photo: real snow crystal of split plate type with simple flower shape and rainbow circles around central hexagon, produced by thin film optical interference effect
Snowflake photo: Rainbow flower

This is tiny snowflake, around 1 millimeter from tip to tip or even smaller. Rainbow color circles on it's surface caused by thin film optical interference effect (similar colors you can see on surface of soap bubbles). Yesterday i especially hunting for rainbow-colored snowflakes, trying to capture small hexagonal and sectored plates like this crystal at horizontally mounter sheet of glass, pointing my macro setup at angle, using small desktop tripod. After an hour of trial and error, i managed to catch some crystals with visible effect. Rest of these photos (quickly processed from in-camera JPEGs) available here: What color of snow is your favorite?

This picture was processed from averaged stack of 13 RAWs - for better details and colors of such small object.

Version without blue color toning and vignetting:

Real snowflake picture: small snow crystal of split plate type with simple flower-like shape and amazing rainbow circles around center, casued by thin film interference
Snowflake photo: Rainbow flower alternate

And this is source picture after averaging 13 RAW shots, without any color/contrast changes, sharpening and noise removing (2048 x 1536 pixels):

Snowflake image: small split plate snow crystal with thin film optical interference effect, creating rainbow color circles around central hexagon

If you want to see more snowflakes, you can browse through all snowflake pictures.
Here you'll find snowflake photo wallpapers in numerous resolutions and screen proportions, up to Ultra HD 4K.
And here is article about snowflake macro photography.